Your senior year is a momentous event and you will want to record all the memories associated with it. One of the most important memories is your senior portrait session. At SMR Photography we want to know what your passions are. It might be music, kayaking, fashion design, riding horses, sports, drama or star gazing. Whatever it is, your passion we’ll help you create the perfect look for your senior pictures. We offer sessions Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday’s and love scheduling sessions in the evening because sunsets make great backgrounds.
Rock Star- $375 includes 3 hr in studio, 3 locations & unlimited outfits
Glamor- $250 includes 2 hr in studio, 2 locations & unlimited outfits
Mini- $125 includes 1 hr in & out of studio, 3 outfits
Yearbook- $150 includes 15 minute studio session & 1 digital image
About a week after the session I invite you back to the studio to view and select your favorite images. Print packages start at $500, collections start at $1500. I specialize in heirloom products like wall art, albums and prints. My senior clients on average spend $2,000, some spend more and some spent less, as it all depends on what your needs are from the session.